Paul Osman

Cycling for Cancer Research

On June 7th and 8th, I’ll be joining the Ride to Conquer Cancer — a two day ride from Toronto, Ontario to Niagara Falls (that’s just over 200km). The ride raises money for the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world. I’m doing this because the work done at centres like Princess Margaret has a direct impact on cancer patients and their loved ones. The ride funds are directed towards research initiatives that are focused on Personalized Cancer Medicine improving detection, diagnosis, targetting and support.


The ride has a $2500 fundraising minimum, and thanks to the generosity of friends and family, I’m sitting at $340 with a mere $2160 to go.

Here’s the thing: I really hate asking people for money, even when it is going to such a worthy institution. Instead I’ve decided to give things away to people who donate certain amounts. I’ve been quite busy as of late, and came to the conclusion that one of the most valuable things I can give is my time.

About Me

I have 15 years of experience working in the tech industry. In that time I’ve worked for companies like SoundCloud and Mozilla, and I’m now the Director of Platform Engineering at 500px (you can see my LinkedIn Profile for details). I have a huge amount of experience writing software and managing teams of Software Developers with an emphasis on platforms (both internal and external APIs).

You can use this time to pick my brain about anything related to technology. If you’re new to software or considering getting into the industry, I’d love to answer your questions or go over your code with you. If you’re starting a product company, I can give you my honest feedback on your idea. Maybe you just want to bounce ideas off me or just chat about tech, I’m happy to do that too.

The Perks

  • $30 or more $30 will get you a thank you card from me - I know this is paltry, but I appreciate your support so much.
  • $100 or more For $100 you’ll get the above plus an hour over Skype / Google Hangouts or in person if you’re in the Toronto area.
  • $500 or more If you want to go nuts, you get a whopping 8 hours of my time for general tech consulting. I’m limiting this to 3 donations and I’ll update here once they’re gone.

Donate Now

Any amount makes a difference. Cancer is a terrible disease that effects so many of us. If you want to take advantage of any of the perks above, simply include details in the Personal Note section when donating. Donate Here.